Seobyeon Central Market
Basic Information
The location | 27, Hoguk-ro 43-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu |
The inquiries | People’s Livelihood Economy Section. (053-665-2651) |
The time of use | The use is possible within the business hours of the stores. |
The parking information | The charged use of the nearby publicly-managed parking lot. |
The Seobyeon Central Market, which smells of the diverse things to eat and the people living, is the market in the whole area of 27, Hoguk-ro 43-gil. By being located in the urban and rural
complex city, it has been handling the diverse items, including the agricultural products- which had been directly grown in the vicinity, which are fresh, and of which the qualities are
excellent, the fruits, the vegetables, the rice cake dumplings, etc. And, because the 5-day market opens (2nd and 7th), it is a traditional market which is used with the love by a lot of local
people on every market day.