Kyungpook National University Museum
Basic Information
The location | The Kyungpook National University Museum, 80, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu. |
The inquiries | 053-950-6537 |
The time of use | Monday ~ Friday, Saturday (First, third, and fifth). 10:00 a.m. in the morning ~ 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon. |
The closing days | Saturday (Second and fourth), Sunday, and public holiday, and the day of the commemoration of the opening of the school (May 28). |
The charge for using | None |
The parking information | The parking inside the school |
Since its opening in 1959, it has been possessing 7 pieces of the treasures, 6,979 pieces of the relics to be kept, and over 40,000 relics that were excavated. And it has been playing a
pivotal role in the management of the cultural assets of the region, including the collection, the preservation, the exhibition, the research, etc. of the relics. And it has been providing an
opportunity, too, for the historical research to the residents of the region through the exploration of the cultural relics, the Special Exhibition, etc.