Paldal New Market
Basic Information
The location | (Nowon-dong 3-ga) 42, Paldal-ro 27-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City. |
The inquiries | The People’s Livelihood Economy Section. (053-665-2651) |
The time of use | The use is possible within the business hours of the stores. |
The parking information | The charged use of the Paldal New Market Publicly-managed Parking Lot (32, Nowon-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu City). The very first 30 minutes are 500 won. And it is 250 won per additional 10 minutes. |
The Paldal New Market, to which one can go even more conveniently after the opening of the No.3 Line of the Urban Railway, is one of the biggest vegetable wholesale markets in Daegu that
distributes the fresh, agricultural products that had been gathered from all across the country because it adjoins the Paldal Bridge, which is a gateway of Daegu. Other than this, by handling
the diverse items, including the various kinds of the fruits- including the apples, the pears, etc., the foods for the ancestral rites, the food marketplace, the gift corner, etc., it has been
crowded with a lot of people.