Eoul Art Center
Basic Information
The location | (Eoul Art Center, Gwaneum-dong) 47, Guam-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu. |
The inquiries | 053-320-5120 |
The charge for using | Free-of-charge. |
The parking information | The parking lot of the Eoul Art Center (104 spaces). |
The transportation information | 719 and 937 in front of the Chilgok Seohan Mansion |
In order to satiate the desire regarding the culture and the arts of the residents of the region, the performances and the exhibitions of around from 60 times to 70 times every year have been
held. And it has been endeavoring for the vitalization of the local Culture and Arts Club through the Living Culture Center. And, through the management of the Buk-gu Choir that represents the
Buk-gu and the Youth Eoul Theater Company, which is a grass root culture and arts organization, it has been contributing to the development of the culture and the arts of the region. Also, at
the Cultural Center, by opening the cultural lectures and the sports lectures by the quarter, it has been contributing to the enhancement of the quality of life of the local residents.
The additional facilities
- The Performance Building: The performance hall (434 seats), the small performance hall (116 seats), the multi-purpose room, and the exhibition room.
- The Culture Building: The office, the small exhibition room, the cultural lecture rooms (7 rooms), the sports facility, and the machine room.
- The Resting Building: The club room, the resident group practice room, and the Buk-gu Culture Center.
- The other incidental facilities: The outdoor theater (2), 2 fountains (Shwiri and Byeokcheon), and 104 spaces in the parking lot.