
The history and the transitions.
Seeing that the life remains of the New Stone Age and the Bronze Age had been discovered in Dong-seobyeon-dong (The New Stone Age and the former part of the Bronze Age), in Dongcheon-dong (The middle period of the Bronze Age), on the Yeonam Mountain (The Early Iron Age), in Chimsan-dong, in Geomdan-dong, and the like places within the region of Buk-gu, it looks like the dwelling sites had been formed by the Geumho River and its tributaries from the prehistoric times.
During the Silla period, it had belonged to the Daegu Prefecture and the Palgeori Prefecture. And, during the establishment period of the later Three Kingdoms, it had belonged the Daegu Prefecture and the Palli Prefecture. And, coming into the Joseon era, by going beyond the edge and the boundary of Daegubu, it had been located in the domain of the Palgeo Prefecture.
Since the Buk-gu branch offices were newly established in the 4 dongs that had belonged to the Seongbuk-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do in November 1938, they were elevated to the status of Buk-gu by including the Dongbyeon-dong and Seobyeon-dong in Gongsan-myeon, Dalseong-gun in January 1963.
And, together with the elevation of the status of the Daegu directly government-controlled city in July 1981, by including the Chilgok-eup in Chilgok-gun, its status was elevated to Buk-gu in the Daegu directly government-controlled city. And, together with the elevation of the status to the self-governed gu in May 1988, with the opening of the popular-elected autonomous era in July 1995, it has been accomplishing a lot of development in the fields, including the economy, the welfare, the culture, the environment, etc. And, at the present, when the popular elected 6th period was entered, our Buk-gu has been emerging as the advance base of the creative economy. And it has standing at the central position for leading the new changes of Daegu.
The history of the transitions
- ~ The 1960’s
- The 1970’s
- The 1980’s.
- The 1990’s.
- The 2000’
~ The 1960’s.
- November 2, 1938. The new establishment of the Northern Branch Office of Daegubu.
- January 1, 1963. Because the Buk-gu Branch Office and the Dongbyeon-dong and the Seobyeon-dong of the Gongsan-myeon were included, the elevation of the status to Buk-gu (9-dong)
- December 1, 1963.
- The Taepyeong-ro 3-ga was classified into 4-ga, 5-ga, and 6-ga (9-dong → 12-dong).
- A part of the Chilseong 2-ga was boundary adjusted to the Taepyeong-ro 4-ga, 5-ga, and 6-ga. And a part of the Taepyeong-ro 3-ga was boundary adjusted to the Chilseong 2-ga.
- The new establishment of the administration dongs, including the Taepyeong-ro4-gagudong, 5-gagudong, and 6-gagudong, etc. (19 dongs→ 22 administrative dongs).
- July 1, 1964. The Taepyeong-ro 3-ga was included into the Jung-gu (12 dongs→ 11 dongs).
- February 1, 1965 The mergers of the administrative dongs (14 administrative dongs).
- January 1, 1966. A part of the Chimsan-dong was included in Seo-gu.
- July 20, 1968. A part of the Chilseong 2-gadong was included in Dong-gu.
The 1970’s.
- July 1, 1970. The division of the administrative dong of the Chimsan 1-dong into the Chimsan 1-gudong and 3-gudong. (14 dongs→ 15 administrative dongs).
October 1, 1975
- A part of the Chilseong 2-gadong was included in the Jung-gu. And a part of the Bokhyeon-dong was included in the Dong-gu.
- The parts of the Dongin-dong 1-ga and the Dongin-dong 3-gain Jung-gu, a part of the Sinam-dong in Dong-gu, a part of the Wondae 2-ga in Seo-gu, the Wondae 4-ga and 5-ga, Nogok, and the Joya-dong were included.
- The names of the Taepyeong-ro 4-ga, 5, and 6 were changed to the Goseong-dong 1-ga, 2, and 3, respectively. And the names of the Wondae 4-ga, 5, and 6 were changed to the Nowon 1-ga, 2, and 3, respectively. And the Daehyeon-dong was newly established as a part of the Sinam-dong. (11 dongs→ 17 dongs)
- The Daehyeon-dong was divided into the Daehyeon 1-dong and 2-dong. And the Nowon 1.2.3-gadong was divided into the Nowon 1.2-gadong and the Nowon 3-gadong. And the Dong-seobyeon-dong was newly established by integrating the Dongbyeon-dong and the Seobyeon-dong. (15 dongs→ 20 administrative dongs)
- April 1, 1977. A part of the Daehyeon-dong was modified as the Sangyeok-dong.
- August 19, 1978. The location of the Gu Office was relocated from 470-12 beonji, Chilseong-dong 2-ga, Buk-gu to 1-beonji, Goseong 3-ga.
May 1, 1979
- A partial adjustment of the border between the Chimsan-dong and the Nowon 3-gadong.
- The division of the Nowon 3-gadong into the Nowon 3-ga 1-dong and 2-dong. And the division of the Daehyeon 2-dong into the Daehyeon 2-dong and 3-dong. (20 dongs→ 22 administrative dongs).
The 1980’s.
- April 1, 1980. The change of the name to the Goseong-dong by integrating the Goseong 1-gadong and the Goseong 2.3-gadong. (22 dongs→ 21 administrative dongs).
July 1, 1981
- The inclusion in the whole area of the Chilgok-eup (13-dong) in Chilgok-gun when elevating the status to a city that is directly controlled by the local government (17 dongs→ 30 dongs).
- The installation of the Chilgok Branch Office.
- September 1, 1982. The installations of the 2 administrative dongs, including the Chilgok 1-dong and 2-dong, in the district under the jurisdiction of the Chilgok Branch Office. (21 dongs → 23 administrative dongs).
- March 15, 1983. The partial adjustment of the district of the Chilgok Branch Office (The supervision of only the general affairs, the military, the tax affairs, and the intellectual work).
- The installation of the Chilgok 3-dong in the district under the jurisdiction of the Chilgok Branch Office (23 dongs→ 24 administrative dongs).
- August 1, 1984. The relocation of the location of the Gu Office from 1-beonji, Goseong 3-ga to 16-beonji, 447, Chimsan-dong.
January 1, 1987.
- The inclusion of the Yeongyeong-dong in Dong-gu and a part of the Sinam-dong. (30 dongs→ 31 dongs).
- The partial adjustment in the winter season.
- The change of the name of the administrative dong to the Mutae-dong by combining the Dong-seobyeon-dong with the Yeongyeong-dong, which was included from the Dong-gu.
- August 1, 1984. The government office building of the gu was relocated from 1-beonji, Goseong 3-ga to 447-16-beonji, Chimsan-dong.
- May 1, 1988. The elevation of the status to an autonomous gu.
The 1990’s.
- June 1, 1990. The division of the Bokhyeon-dong in Buk-gu into the Bokhyeon 1-dong and the Bokhyeon 2-dong. (24 dongs→ 25 dongs)
- April 15, 1991. The opening of the first Buk-gu Assembly.
- September 1, 1992. The division of the Sangyeok 1-dong in Buk-gu into the Sangyeok 1-dong and the Sangyeok 4-dong. (25 dongs→ 26 dongs).
- March 25, 1994. A partial adjustment in the winter season.
- July 1, 1994. The division of the Chilgok 1-dong into the Chilgok 1-dong and the Gwaneum-dong. (26 dongs→ 27 administrative dongs).
- January 1, 1995. The change of the name to ‘Buk-gu’ in the Daegu Metropolitan City.
- March 1, 1995. The division of the Chilgok 1-dong into the Chilgok 1-dong and the Taejeon-dong. (27 dongs→ 28 administrative dongs).
- July 1, 1995. The opening of the popularly-elected, autonomous era.
- January 20, 1996. The rearrangement of a part of the Guam-dong as the Taejeon-dong.
- January 1, 1997. The change of the name of the Chilgok Branch Office to the Gangbuk Branch Office.
October 10, 1997.
- The rearrangements of a part of the Chilseong-dong 2-ga as the Chilseong-dong 1-ga, the parts of the Bokhyeon-dong and the Geomdan-dong as the Sangyeok-dong, a part of the Dongcheon-dong as the Eupnae-dong, and a part of the Gwaneum-dong as the Taejeon-dong.
- July 1, 1998. The inauguration as the 2nd popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
October 12, 1998.
- The Chilseong 1-gadong and the Chilseong 2-gadong → The Chilseong 1-dong.
- The Nowon 3-ga 1-dong and the Nowon 3-ga 2-dong → The Nowon 3-dong.
- The Daehyeon 2-dong and the Daehyeon 3-dong → The Daehyeon 2-dong.
- The Mutae-dong and the Joya-dong → The Mutaejoya-dong.
- The Nogok-dong and the Chilgok 2-dong → The Chilgok 2-dong.
- The Chilseong 2-ga 2-dong → The Chilseong 2-dong.
- The Nowon 1, 2-gadong → The Nowon 1, 2-dong.
- The abolition of the Gangbuk Branch Office.
- May 24, 1999. The opening of the Bukgu Culture & Arts Center.
- May 24, 1999. The Chilseong 1-dong and the Chilseong 2-dong → Chilseong-dong (23 dongs→ 22 dongs).
- June 30, 1999. A part of the Dongcheon-dong → Gukwu-dong, Guam-dong → The parts of the Hakjeong-dong and the Gukwu-dong → The parts of the Guam-dong and the Hakjeong-dong → The parts of the Dongcheon-dong, the Gukwu-dong, and the Guam-dong → The Gukwu-dong.
The 2000’
- July 1, 2002. The inauguration as the 3rd popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
March 10, 2003.
- The division of the Chilgok 1-dong → The Taejeon 2-dong and the Guam-dong.
- The division of the Chilgok 3-dong → The Eupnae-dong and the Dongcheon-dong (22 dongs→ 24 administrative dongs)
- The change of the name of the Taejeon-dong → The Taejeon 1-dong.
- The change of the name of the Chilgok 2-dong → The Gwanmun-dong.
- June 5, 2004. The inauguration as the 4th popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
- December 28, 2005. The opening of the Gangbuk Health Center Branch.
- July 1, 2006. The inauguration as the popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
July 1, 2009.
- The Nowon 1, 2-dong and the Nowon 3-dong → Integrated into the Nowon-dong.
- The division of the Dongcheon-dong →The Dongcheon-dong and the Gukwu-dong.
- July 1, 2010. The inauguration as the 6th popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
- July 4, 2011. The Daehyeon 1, 2-dong → Integrated into the Daehyeon-dong.
- July 1, 2014. The inauguration of the 7th popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.
- July 18, 2018. The inauguration of the 8th popularly-elected Head of the Gu Office.